
How can OSCEs evolve to meet the needs of both educators and learners?

We share key findings from market research on OSCEs and clinical reasoning.

NBME’s first Creative Community is exploring solutions that promote and measure clinical reasoning using school-based Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), with a specific focus on assessments for learning that can provide meaningful feedback to medical students to support their skill development.

In this infographic, we share insights from market research into how educators view these exams, the ways that OSCE programs are evolving, and the current challenges medical schools face when implementing them.

Click the thumbnail below to access a downloadable pdf version of the OSCE infographic to learn more.

OSCE infographic thumbnail

Medical education needs to support the advancement of skills and behaviors alongside knowledge, so students can develop as complete physicians, ready to take on patient care. We’re rethinking measurement to facilitate this evolution, but we can’t do it without new perspectives and ideas.